Honda Latino: Hispanic Heritage Month- Farid Rueda.


For 2018, Honda decided to partner with Farid Rueda, a Mexican street artist and muralist, to collaborate on special Instagram content featuring both the Honda Civic and Farid’s intricate and vibrant art, merged into one proud entity.

My role for this campaign was to find the right artist for this campaign. As I went through an endless list of talented South American artists. We stumbled across this beautiful mural in Costa Rica by Farid Rueda. The colors and vibrancy of the piece made it stand out of the rest.

At the time Farid Rueda was one the most talked about artists in the scene. He was painting the official mural for Russia’s World Cup. As his murals were being seen worldwide, it was a crucial opportunity to leverage the PR around him to push this project forward. 


For the campaign we ended up creating 2 - 30 second videos in which a white Honda Civic would stop right next to the mural. The mural would come to life and transfer into the car. 


Honda Latino: CR-V Influencer Campaign 2020


Passport Adventures